A home where values are regained.
The SELF Therapeutic Community (TC) provides a comprehensive behavior shaping and value formation program complemented with clinical therapy that promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. There are three stages of development: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Continuing Care. In the Treatment Stage there are two phases, Induction and Primary. In the Rehabilitative Stage there are also two phases, Pre-Reentry and Reentry. In the Continuing Care Stage, there is the Aftercare Phase.
Full Term Program | 18 months
The Full Term Program is a comprehensive residential program for persons deeply mired in substance abuse as well as chronic relapsers who need long term intervention. It is also for individuals assessed with Co-Occurring Disorders that require extensive psychiatric intervention and those whose deviant behaviors pose a threat to themselves and others. It is a full course Therapeutic Community program that aims to restore the lost values of residents and make them sober and productive members of society. A Family Empowerment Program to promote family healing and successful reintegration is an integral element.
3-Stage, 5-Phase TC Program
I. INDUCTION PHASE: Evaluation and Motivation | 1 month
When prospects are admitted in SELF, they are placed in the Evaluation & Motivation Unit (EMU) for 15-30 days for the Induction Phase of treatment. During this phase, medical, psychological and psychiatric assessments are administered to help determine an effective treatment plan. Counseling Sessions and Motivational Group Activities are provided to prepare prospects for the Primary Phase in the Lower House.
II. PRIMARY PHASE: Self Discovery | 8 months
In the Primary Phase residents assume the basic responsibilities of the community and are facilitated to discover the roots of their counter-productive behavior. They learn to be aware of their feelings and are taught how to express them appropriately. Through daily activities and therapy sessions, they learn to address the inner conflicts that lie at the core of their addictive behavior. As they progress, residents are trained to become officers of the house and entrusted with the responsibility of supervising younger residents. They are taught life skills to help them cope with the challenges they will face in life after rehab. Family Interventions are also conducted to help residents and their families confront unresolved issues and allow residents to assume responsibility for their past actions while committing to a discipline of change. The goal is to earn additional privileges, such as family visits and escorted days off, and become eligible for the next phase.
III. PRE-REENTRY PHASE: Self Formation | 3 months
The rehabilitation process begins in the Pre-reentry phase. Residents remain billeted in the Lower House but are gradually integrated in the Upper House where they are assigned entry level jobs in various operations under the supervision of Reentry residents. Within this three-month phase in a less structured environment, they will need to develop the humility and self-discipline that will be key to their successful reintegration to the world. Pre-reentry residents will also need to complete a Transformational Autobiography that they will have to successfully present in a Panel Interview.
IV. REENTRY PHASE: Self Direction | 4 months
In the Reentry phase, residents transfer to the Upper House. They go on regular days off alone which are monitored to ensure that they properly handle this newly earned trust and privilege. They are also taught advanced skills in effective communication, work organization, group dynamics and crisis intervention that they can use to facilitate themselves in their life after recovery. They are also guided in making smart decisions when choosing friends and activities for their future life in recovery. Some are selected to undergo training as Facilitators and those who succeed take charge of various operations in the Upper House or assist in running the Lower House. To complete this phase, residents must submit a career proposal with Continuing Care plans, which they must present to a panel.
V. AFTERCARE PHASE: Professional Integration | 6 months
In Aftercare, residents are given the option to work in SELF through a Supervised Practicum and Internship Program or to pursue a career plan outside the facility as either a student, employee or business proprietor. In any case they need to successfully integrate with the outside world in a productive capacity in order to graduate. Apart from consolidating with work and social life, Aftercare residents and their families must attend the monthly Aftercare Continuing Care Meeting.