Outreach Activities

helping handIntegrated in the formation program of SELF is learning to give back to society. As part of its organization’s social responsibility, SELF holds annual Outreach Activities that afford the residents the opportunity to practice sharing their time and resources in the service of others, and experience the fulfillment that it brings.

Surgical and Medical Missions

surgical missionOver the last 15 years, SELF has been conducting Surgical and Medical Missions annually in the facility for the benefit of its neigboring community. The mission is a collaboration between SELF and Martin’s classmate, Dr. Vic Gisbert of Makati Medical Center, who brings with him doctors and nurses who extend their services for free. The services include Cyst removal, Circumcission, Tooth extraction, Diabetes screening and General consultation. Typically, around 30 doctors and nurses participate in the activity and, on the average, about 150 patients are treated within four hours. During the mission, SELF’s Multi-Purpose Hall is converted into a makeshift operating theater where everyday desks become operating tables. Selected residents assist in the undertaking by coordinating the influx of patients, following up after each surgery and prepping the tables for the next procedure. SELF is proud to work hand in hand with such selfless and dedicated professionals.

surgical mission

surgical mission

SRCC Projects

SRCCThe SELF Residents Coordinating Council (SRCC) is a committee of residents composed of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary who are elected by the entire SELF Family. Its main function is to raise funds for the resident community by selling food items made by the residents. On a regular day, the SRCC officers function as hosts of the numerous birthday parties that are celebrated in the facility. Annually, they are required to organize an outreach activity that benefits the townfolk of the surrounding community. In 2009 the SRCC undertook its first outreach activity with the Catleya Daycare Center in Barangay Miranda. At another year, they invited the children to the facility for a Valentine’s Day program. In 2012, the SRCC brought boxes of food items to the Chosen Children Foundation in Silang, Cavite. In a subsequent year, they brought residents to play with children in a nearby community and gave them school bags packed with school supplies and gifts.