I. Assessment Program | 15-30 days

The Assessment Program is an intervention process for adolescents or young students who have been found to be at the beginning stages of drug use. It is also for those who display problematic behaviors that need professional evaluation. This program serves as a powerful wake-up call that can keep young people from going further astray. The primary concern is their successful reintegration into the family and school environment to give them a chance to continue their studies. A formal report on the findings together with a recommended action plan is discussed with the parents or guardians.

Assessment Program
II. Awakening Program | 6 months

The Awakening Program is a live-in program for persons whose use of prohibited drugs or display of problematic behaviors is harming their performance in school, work and family life but has not yet reached the severity that requires long-term treatment and rehabilitation. Clients are subjected to a strict program of daily activities in line with the disciplines of a Therapeutic Community. They also undergo individual counseling and group therapy sessions that help them understand and address what causes their harmful habits and destructive patterns of behavior. A family support program is crafted together with the clients and their parents or guardians.

Awakening Program